Coding Vendor Bills
Before any bill can be paid, it must be coded to ensure the money is coming from the correct account. Every coding item corresponds to a pre-determined budgeted amount for that category and that coding enables accurate reporting (and planning) for each category.
Prior to coding, please make sure your name is properly listed as the coder and to check that the Subsidiary is also correct.
- Click Edit to update and code a vendor bill.
- Review the fields in the bill for accuracy and edit the fields or add notes as needed.
- Note, the bill's approval status will change throughout the Coding process depending on the next step. The Pending Submission status is used for bills that need coding, or for bills that have been coded and needs to be submitted for approval. If the bill is above your spend limit, the status will change to Pending Supervisor Approval.
- Click Vendor Bill Image to view an image of the bill
- If there are documents that need to be uploaded to the bill, use the Attachments tab and the upload field to drag and drop or choose files to upload.
- If the payment requires special handling, such as Overnight shipping or cashier's check, use the Description box to add instructions, as this will print on the check. Special Handling should only be used when absolutely necessary
- If the description field is unavailable, add a "Help with General" exception to the bill and enter the special handling instructions there.
- Click Coding to choose the expense category and coding details. If the vendor bill has several items, you will need to code each individually to accurate capture the expense type and items for each item.
- Select the appropriate Expense Category from the drop-down menu.
- Note, Vendor Bills that are routed to the property for coding and approval will have a "Placeholder Expense" in the coding section. Delete the placeholder expense, then add the appropriate expense category to code the bill
- Expense Categories are:
- Operations - Property related operational expenses
- Site Related (Home) - All costs related to homes newly added to inventory, home sales, home setup and home refurbishment. Includes expenses related to vacation rental inventory.
- Site Related (Lot Mod) - Land related modifications to a specific site
- Community Project - CapEx projects, expansion/development expenses, expenses related to the removal of a home, and any other expenses that are not related to other expense categories.
- Corporate - Company related expenses, primarily for Main Office use
- On the popup window that opens, enter the amount for the line item, select the item being billed from the item list, and enter a brief description of what the item or service is. Click Submit.
- Add more information as needed to finish coding the bill.
- If the items on the bill were for more than one type of item or expense, select another expense category and code additional items.
- Use the Attachments tab to upload any documents or saved communication related to the bill.
- Use the Exceptions tab to note any exceptions related to the bill. See below for more information about exceptions.
- Canadian properties must ensure that HST is accounted for with a separate coding line.
- Click Save when all information has been added.
- Click Submit for Approval to submit the bill for approval.
NOTE: If you have coded the bill but do not see a Submit for Approval button, ensure that the Coder name is filled out. There must be a name in the coder field before a bill can be submitted.
Note: If there is anything that needs clarification on the bill, be sure to use the User Notes section! In this area you can provide further details about the bill to help the team with their approval decisions. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the Approval Emails tab, then click the User Notes tab. Click New Note to create a new note.
In the pop-up window, start typing in the Notes field. Your information will automatically populate as soon as you start typing. When done, click Save.
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