Accessing Customer Ledgers in NetSuite
Ledgers can be accessed from the following screens in NetSuite:
- Customer Ledger screen (use the search icon to look up a customer)
- Customer Record screen
- Lease Agreement screen
- Application screen
Please note, a ledger is NOT created for an applicant until they have a Lease Agreement. Application fees and payments for application fees can be seen on the Lease Charges tab of the application.
The top of the screen displays basic information about the customer’s agreement, including their site number, their customer status, and their lease start date. Their current balance and their total security deposit display in the top right.
The bottom of the screen has 3 tabs: Ledger, Credit Memo, and Refund Request. The default tab is Ledger.
Charges on the ledger display chronologically, with the most recent date at the top. The top line of the Balance column represents the customer’s current balance.
Charges that are billed at the same time (for example: the customer’s monthly rent, pet fee, and trash fee) will all display individually on the ledger, but will have the same invoice number in the Transaction ID column. This means that all of these charges were billed together on one invoice. Clicking the Invoice number will open the customer’s invoice, which can be printed, if needed.
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