Checking for Site Availability & Pencil-In through Campspot
Before a site can be booked for a guest's long-term stay, the site must be designated for use as a long-term stay (RPS). This is shown in Campspot. If the site is not available for a long-term stay, check for alternative sites that are both eligible and available and work with the guest to find a suitable option.
To complete a pencil-in reservation:
- Select the Long-Term Reservation checkbox, enter the guest's reservation preferences including check-in date and any applicable filters and click the Search icon.
- Note: In general, seasonal agreements run for a calendar year, from January 1 to January 1. When entering the reservation in Campspot, use the following as a guide:
- For guests reserving before January 1 for the following season, use January 1 - January 1 as the reservation dates.
- For guests reserving after January 1, but before the resort opens for the season, use the date that the reservation is created as the reservation start date (e.g. February 15), and January 1 as the end date.
- For guests who will arrive for a seasonal reservation after the resort has opened for the season, use the date that the guest will arrive/set up on their site as the reservation start date, and January 1 as the end date.
- For annual reservation - select the date that the guest will arrive on site as the reservation start date, with an end date that is the end of the same month in the following year (e.g. October 22, 2023 - October 31, 2024).
- Note: If both Long-Term Reservation and Sale checkboxes are selected, the team member will be redirected to the Create Application screen in NetSuite once the Pencil-In is created in Campspot.
- Select the desired site on the Reservation Grid.
- Note: The dollar amount is $0.00 because all pricing information is located in NetSuite.
- Enter RV information and click Confirm Guest Information.
- Note: The Lock Site checkbox is greyed out due to this site being designated as a long-term site type.
- Enter the guest details and click Continue to Pencil-In Hold Details.
- Verify pencil-in details and click Confirm Pencil-In Reservation.
- The pencil-in reservation has been placed. Click Continue to Agreement to be redirected to the Create Application screen in NetSuite.
Primary customer information and basic reservation details are auto-populated in NetSuite from Campspot after completing these steps.
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